christian faith

Generosity, gratitude, confidence that when we fail we are still loved

We believe that being a Christian is the most exciting and rewarding way of living. Jesus says “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10v10). Being a Christian is like a journey with a purpose – it has a beginning, a direction and an end.

The 4U Team welcomes all people and recognises that we are all at different stages in our journey of faith. We believe that God desires an intimate and personal relationship with us, but we cannot obtain it through our own efforts. God offers us the Good News of his kingdom as a gift through Jesus, his Son. By laying down his life on the cross, Jesus took our place and paid the ultimate price for our sin and wrongdoings – these are the things that separate us from God. By rising again from death, Jesus sets us free from the things that lead to eternal death, and sets us free to live a new life – his risen life.

Within our churches we enjoy worshipping and spending time with God. It’s like spending time with friends or family – we show our love for God by spending time with Him and His family the church. We learn what kind of world God is making and remaking.
We learn more about how to live life to the full under his guidance.

Information on Christianity

Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ and, in common with other Christians, seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught.

Central to that relationship is knowing we can trust God. St Paul says at the end of the eighth chapter of his letter to the Church in Rome, “if God is for us, who can be against us?” And this is the heart of faith.

How do we know that ‘God is for us’? Because Jesus Christ, the one human being who is completely in tune with God – with what God wants and what God is doing – has carried the burden of our sins. He has let himself be betrayed, rejected and executed in a humiliating and agonising way. Yet he did not turn his back on us. Death did not succeed in silencing him or removing him from the world. He is alive and that means his love is alive, having survived the worst we can do.

Nothing – says St Paul in the same passage – can separate us from this love. But this isn’t an excuse for doing what we like, knowing we can get away with it. Once we know that God is ‘for us’, we open up to the gift that God wants to give us – which is a share in his own love and freedom and mercy. If we have really taken the message in, we shall live lives of selfless generosity, always asking how the gifts given to us can be shared in a way that brings the Good News to others.

Generosity, gratitude, confidence that when we fail we are still loved – all of this focused on Jesus’ life and death and resurrection. That’s where we start in the lifelong job of being a Christian.

our churches

We have churches in Marlow, Bisham, Little Marlow and Marlow Bottom which have a range of services, activities and events of differing patterns and styles - you can read more about the individual churches that make up our team by following the links below.

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All Saints


Welcome to the church by the Bridge which for nearly two centuries has been the iconic image of Marlow. In its central location, the church is not just at the heart of Marlow geographically, but also spiritually.

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All Saints


Welcome to the ancient church of Bisham, standing on one of the loveliest reaches of the Thames. Harmony in its ancient beauty has been maintained as restorations have been made to the church over the years.

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St John The Baptist

Little Marlow

St John the Baptist has been welcoming visitors for nearly 1,000 years. In this 21st century we extend that invitation to you and hope to encourage you to come and see us soon.

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The Lantern Church

Marlow Bottom

Welcome to the Lantern Church where a loyal and friendly congregation await you. The Lantern is at the heart of the community with its modern building being used throughout the week by various organisations.

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