"we are ordinary people led by an extraordinary God, whose love inspires us to welcome everyone, serve our communities and grow as we follow Jesus together"
The 4U Team serves some 20,000 people in the Parish of Great Marlow with Marlow Bottom, Little Marlow and Bisham – a Parish that forms part of the Oxford Diocese and the Wycombe Deanery.
The 4U team is a team of four churches in the Marlow area with a single vision. We are ordinary people led by an extraordinary God, whose love inspires us to welcome, to serve and to grow as we follow Jesus together.
Jesus taught that the church is a community of people who follow him and who live not for themselves but for God and for others. We hope that as you browse our website you will see that the 4U team is here for you. If you see something that you would like to connect with please do get in touch or, better still, come and visit us in person. We’d love to meet you!
Dave Bull
The four churches provide a wide variety of Anglican worship – from said Communion to full Choral Eucharist with robed choir, from informal and interactive family services to innovative forms of contemporary worship. As a Team we also offer pastoral support to our community, and have strong links with local schools, hospitals and other groups in the wider community. You can find links to our churches at the bottom of this page.
To achieve our vision we have set ourselves values as to who we want to become. We want to share our passion for God with everyone else and show the relevance that God has to everyday life.
If you are new to the area or just new to church, we would love to get to know you and you would be welcome at any of our services. If you are interested in exploring the Christian faith, you might want to come along to our next Alpha course – this is a great way to meet other people and to ask questions in a supportive environment. If you have a particular interest in part of our community or are seeking answers to specific questions, you should be able find the information within this website by exploring the ‘community’ pages. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, or if you just want to talk to someone, then we’d be only too pleased to meet up – we have a great selection of coffee shops in the area and are only too happy to take advantage of this.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Typically Alpha has around ten sessions and includes food, a short talk and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. To find out more about Alpha visit the website at http://www.alpha.org
We have churches in Marlow, Bisham, Little Marlow and Marlow Bottom which have a range of services, activities and events of differing patterns and styles - you can read more about the individual churches that make up our team by following the links below.
St John the Baptist has been welcoming visitors for nearly 1,000 years. In this 21st century we extend that invitation to you and hope to encourage you to come and see us soon.
Welcome to the Lantern Church where a loyal and friendly congregation await you. The Lantern is at the heart of the community with its modern building being used throughout the week by various organisations.