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Churches Together: Lent Study Groups

For many years, ecumenical study groups have met in the homes of church members during
Lent. This year, groups will meet weekly, starting in the week beginning 27th February.

So far, we have three groups meeting as follows, but would very much like to form other groups.

  1. Tuesdays, starting at 10.30 am, hosted by Doreen McGechan, Barons Court, Dedmere Rise. This is a URC home group that would welcome members from other churches.
  2. Tuesdays, starting at 2.30 pm, hosted by Joan & Tony Threlfall at 61 Cambridge Road.
  3. Tuesdays, starting at 8.00 pm, hosted by Sue & Paddy Gallaugher at 8 Spinners Walk.

We will be using the York Course ‘You can be serious!’ by Rt Revd David Wilbourne.

There are five sessions, each based on the previous Sunday’s Gospel reading from the Lectionary.

The course booklet is accompanied by a CD in which David Wilbourne, and guests from different denominational backgrounds, put forward their thoughts on the theme of each session.

A charge of £5 will be made for the booklet and a contribution to the cost of the CD.

If you would like to join one of the above groups, or host a group meeting on a different day, please would you let Tony Threlfall know by 20 February.