funerals & bereavement support for you

At some time we all go through the loss of someone close to us. These are often difficult times and nothing can take away that sense of loss, but you never have to go through it alone and there are people to support you, both with the funeral arrangements and the bereavement process.


Funerals can be a very difficult time and most people will be faced with organising just one or two in their life time. If you are faced with having to arrange a funeral, it is usually best for you to approach a local funeral director who will take care of most of the arrangements for you including liaising with the church and the clergy.

Once the funeral director has been in touch and we have arranged for a member of the 4U Team to be available that person will be in touch to help you plan the service and offer any support you may need.

Bereavement Support

When someone close to us dies, many emotions and feelings can be experienced. Grief and grieving is our response to this loss and we can feel overwhelmed and isolated at this time. It may be immediate, but sometimes grief doesn’t hit home until months or years after their death. At all times it is important that we have someone we can turn to.

Members of the Bereavement Support Visitors Group offer support to those who have been bereaved. Such support can be through telephone contact or by home visiting.

A small group of people from across the Parish are available to support the clergy in their ministry to people who have been bereaved. This support is open to everyone in the community whether you are a regular churchgoer or not.

The group continues to meet at regular intervals to continue their training and to discuss relevant issues. Their commitment to this ministry is a valuable resource for the Parish and an important addition to the bereavement support that so many individuals in our churches give informally to those they know who are suffering the pain of bereavement.

Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to arrange a visit.

our churches

We have churches in Marlow, Bisham, Little Marlow and Marlow Bottom which have a range of services, activities and events of differing patterns and styles - you can read more about the individual churches that make up our team by following the links below.

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All Saints


Welcome to the church by the Bridge which for nearly two centuries has been the iconic image of Marlow. In its central location, the church is not just at the heart of Marlow geographically, but also spiritually.

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All Saints


Welcome to the ancient church of Bisham, standing on one of the loveliest reaches of the Thames. Harmony in its ancient beauty has been maintained as restorations have been made to the church over the years.

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St John The Baptist

Little Marlow

St John the Baptist has been welcoming visitors for nearly 1,000 years. In this 21st century we extend that invitation to you and hope to encourage you to come and see us soon.

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The Lantern Church

Marlow Bottom

Welcome to the Lantern Church where a loyal and friendly congregation await you. The Lantern is at the heart of the community with its modern building being used throughout the week by various organisations.

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