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Rucksacks for Sierra Leone

Once again this year, Lori Spragg is hoping that the generous folk of Marlow will help her to send rucksacks full of school supplies to the Ebola orphans supported by her charity in Sierra Leone.

They need all sorts of school stuff, but especially geometry sets this year.  Pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, solar calculators. Also toiletries, toothpaste & toothbrushes, hair accessories, balls, games, biscuits & sweets (not chocolate, it’s hot out there!) and – randomly – jars of Nutella!

She’s happy to take empty rucksacks too, or just a few bits to go in them, or of course, if you’re really short of shopping time, she’s always pleased to accept cash towards transporting these things out to Sierra Leone. 

If you’re able to help please drop off to 38 Oaktree Road, or 30 Trinity Avenue before the end of October.