Listen, Care, Pray, Bless
Welcome to information about Marlow Workplace Chaplaincy. If I were asked what does a workplace Chaplain do I would say:
“Listen, care, pray for and bless the staff and business.”
Chaplains are people called to work in all kinds of places, outside the normal life of the church, usually in the place of people’s day to day activities. They often visit shops, shopping centres, offices, workplaces, and many are called to specific locations like hospitals, prisons, colleges, universities and schools.
They offer a ‘listening ear’ in the workplace and represent Christian values and beliefs. They will be a good listener, supportive, encouraging, caring, affirming and able to offer prayer. In our diverse society, chaplaincy shows the greatest sensitivity and respect.
Chaplaincy is a wonderful opportunity to affirm the presence and love of God in the world and his concern for every aspect of human life. Chaplains aim to take God’s love to people in the workplace!
To contact the chaplaincy team, please email
Our work is part of the High Wycombe and Marlow Workplace Chaplaincy and is connected to the Workplace Chaplain Mission.